Black Friday Reminder

Don’t forget that those sales clerks and cashiers are humans too.  And they’re not responsible for corporate’s policies or stocking strategies.  Screaming at them because you don’t like it won’t change a thing, except for their opinion of you.

I’m off to work where I can safely expect to deal with a minimum of 2 customer meltdowns over lack of advertised stock.

Drive safely everyone!

5 thoughts on “Black Friday Reminder”

  1. Oh gosh Ruth, hope it wasn’t too hectic…it’s not even Thanksgiving here but they still do “Black Friday” and I wouldn’t be caught out in that crowd. Wishing you strength to get through the day!!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you!

  2. The good news is that my current employer doesn’t do the whole “open early on Thanksgiving!!!” thing. I’ve done that, it sucks even worse.

  3. It appears you survived it anyway.

    I kept my shopping local – and only for cat food and human food. Amazing that the grocery store was not busy 😉 I did go out yesterday to shop for a disadvantaged kid. The stores were not very busy for a Saturday and traffic was no big deal. AND, everyone (customers and sales staff) was polite and smiling

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